I am very proud to announce my participation in Open Shutter Gallery's second annual alternative process show, The Constructed Image.
A Familiar Three channel gum bichromate over cyanotype
The works on exhibit are a small cross section of a growing trend in photography. That of an alternative perspective on image making and image taking by using historic photographic processes and contemporary technology. Featuring works by Colorado photographers, Katie Kalkstein, Emma Powell, Karen Divine, Karen Kirkpatrick and myself.
Historic photographic processes are a revival of historic techniques in photography dating back to the beginning of the medium. The methods used are chemistry based and often complicated, however the result is a unique creation that is often unreproducible even when several prints are made from a single negative. Alternative approaches come into play with historic processes but also with mixed media treatment of the print and contemporary technology. I-phone photography apps’ editing abilities are so advanced and flexible that entire image manipulation and collage is possible. Katie Kalkstein, and Emma Powell both start with a digital archival pigment prints but then alter the surface by varnishing or adding another historic photographic process on the surfaces.
Karen Divine and Karen Kirkpatrick both work in image editing software to create beautifully collaged images that are constructed from countless other images. While I work from film to digital, back to negatives and prints Gum bichromate in the darkroom.
Well Defined Circumstances
Combining alternative approaches to photography with concept and content, the artists are able to create their own unique worlds. The selection of work from each artist pivots around a central theme or concept developed over time. With the artist’s hand present in every step of creation, the stylized voice of the artist speaks to their points of concern or interest. By using photography as a base to experiment from, along with contemporary methodologies the photographic images reflect a diverse voice in contemporary photography.
When I'm With You
The Work is on exhibition through May 11th at Open Shutter Gallery, 735 Main Ave Durango CO 81301. Come by!